
Moving Across the Country while Pregnant

It is not ideal - obviously! If you’re going to move across the country I highly recommend doing it when you're not pregnant. But sometimes, you have to work with what you got. Life doesn’t stop when you are pregnant and when an opportunity comes up sometimes you have to...

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20 Witchy Tricks for When Your Kids Get Sick

Alright parents... It is that time of year again! Booger babies, the nasal drip, can’t kick this cough, always one kid sick and canceled plans time of year. Sometimes even when you’re doing all of the “right things” and immune boosting tricks your kids still get sick. Well, I don’t...

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Postpartum Herbal Bath for Healing

One of my favorite things to do for myself postpartum is to soak in the bath with my postpartum herbal bath to support healing. Water is so incredibly healing for me postpartum and through my motherhood experience. There is a saying, “Just Add Water”. It rings true for any postpartum...

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Gift Guide: For the Pregnant Mama

These will be great gifts to bless a pregnant mama in your life with. Skip the onesie and get her something she really needs, will use and will be grateful to have. These are my favorite things to use and have during pregnancy and would freak out if someone gave...

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C-Birth Affirmations & Recovery Self Care

C-Births, C-Sections or Cesarean births are on the rise in America. Did you know that 1 in 3 American babies are born via cesarean birth? About 32% of all births were by cesarean in 2020 and 25% of them were considered a “low-risk” pregnancy that was carried to full term....

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Inspired Interview // Jaina Portwood

I remember the first time I met Jaina. It was at a yoga studio, in between classes. We were both teachers at the studio and connected right away. I was drawn to her by her calm and grounding presence. She seemed really at peace and that her heart, mind and...

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Savory Waffles

This savory waffle recipe is inspired by my favorite restaurant in Minneapolis, Birchwood Cafe made by Chef Marshall Paulson. This is not their recipe, but a recreation and our families interpretation of this brunch menu favorite. They are a must try if you live in the twin cities and they...

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book club

Book Club | Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Welcome to the Book Club dear reader! Thank you and I am so happy that you are here. This is going to be fun! I have become a huge lover of books, reading and self development. Being a mama of young children, I find myself hunkered down at the house...

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Love Your Mother & Cloth Diaper

Are you ready to love your mother & cloth diaper? Cloth diapering isn't something most families even consider. It sounds messy. It sounds smelly. It sounds overwhelming. It seems intimidating. And perhaps it used to be, but things have changed! As someone who has been using and washing cloth diapers...

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The Beauty in All Things – A Pregnancy Story

My friend, Sarah Doolittle is expecting her first child in the next couple weeks and bravely shared her journey and pregnancy story to create connect around what real motherhood is like. We all experience pregnancy so differently and each story is worth sharing. Many of us feel alone in our...

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