
Beyond Kegels & Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Okay I have been talking about going beyond kegels, the pelvic floor and advocating for pelvic floor physical therapy for years now. My good friend and colleague Dr. Hannah Strom, DPT  just had to be one of the first guests on the Mavens of Motherhood podcast to talk all about...

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What the Hormones? Cycle Tracking & Period Stuff.

Join us this week on the podcast with Megan Hejny from Nourish Family Wellness where we chat all about female sex hormones, balancing your hormones, cycle tracking and a bunch of period stuff. Seriously this was a life changing conversation and I wish I had this information when I was...

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Easy No-Knead Garden Focaccia Bread

Okay this recipe for garden focaccia bread is actually surprisingly easy and fun to do with your kids! I really mean it. It takes a little bit of forethought and planning, but after you prep your dough and ingredients it really is fun and easy! It would make a fun...

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Homemade Reishi Masala Chai

It is time to fill your cup up with this delicious cup of homemade Masala Chai! I coach mamas on how you can’t give from a half full cup or empty cup, that your cup has to be overfilling in order to give. Every afternoon I escape to the kitchen...

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5 Birth Doula Myths Debunked

Alright, you know you want a doula but you still have some questions and misconceptions about what a doula does and the services they can provide at your birth. Also, side bar... did you know it is World Doula Week? Here is my list of five of the top myths...

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